Migrating from WordPress

I’m moving my blog from WordPress to a quarto-based system, which I’m already using to maintain other aspects of my professional website. The blog is now located at zackbatist.info/posts.

I’m doing this for a few reasons:

  • To make my site more consistent from a visitor perspective
  • To match my other writing habits and workflows
  • To save some money on VPS hosting
  • I’ve been having some weird database corruption issues
  • All the WordPress drama

This means that I’ll no longer be using the blog.zackbatist.info subdomain, and all existing links will be broken. I reformatted all the older posts and added the existing URLs to the new versions’ metadata, but this won’t actually do any active redirection.

I’m also shutting down my mediawiki instance (wiki.zackbatist.info), which I was barely using to begin with. I consolidated and refactored all the pages worth keeping and will continue to write additional notes at zackbatist.info/notes.

Please update your RSS feeds if you want to keep following!